The number of passengers arriving by air transportation mode was 121,952 people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Prabumulih Municipality

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The number of passengers arriving by air transportation mode was 121,952 people

Release Date : June 5, 2023
File Size : 2.76 MB


The number of passenger departures using air transportation in April 2023 was 111,225 people, up 5.05 percent, and the number of arriving passengers was 121,952 people, up 12.31 percent.

The number of passenger departures using domestic sea transportation modes in April 2023 was 3,713 people, up 277.72 percent, and the number of arriving passengers was 4,549 people, up 324.74 percent. Sea freight loading and unloading activities in the January-April 2023 period rose 20.83 percent to 2,306,046 tons.

The number of passengers using the rail transportation mode in April 2023 was 74,502 people, an increase of 5.70 percent. During the January-April 2023 period the number of passengers increased by 354.87 percent compared to the same period in 2022.

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