Sumatera Selatan Trade Balance May 2023 Surplus US$486.29 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Prabumulih Municipality

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Sumatera Selatan Trade Balance May 2023 Surplus US$486.29 million

Release Date : July 3, 2023
File Size : 3 MB


  • Sumatera Selatan's export value in May 2023 reached US$580.42 million, an increase of 2.31 percent compared to exports in April 2023. Compared to May 2022, the export value fell by 6.47 percent.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in May 2023 reached US$536.73 million, up 1.94 percent compared to April 2023. Compared to May 2022, non-oil and gas exports fell by 8.88 percent.
  • Cumulatively, the export value of Sumatera Selatan from January to May 2023 reached US$2,917.91 million, an increase of 5.62 percent compared to the same period in 2022.
  • The largest export share in May 2023 was China with US$254.76 million, India with US$48.64 million and Singapore with US$43.82 million.
  • Cumulatively, Sumatera Selatan's largest export value from January to May 2023 was directed to China in the amount of US$1,323.68 million, India in the amount of US$264.86 million, and Malaysia in the amount of US$197.05 million, with the contribution of the three of them reaching 61.19 percent. Meanwhile, exports to ASEAN and the European Union were 21.08 percent and 2.82 percent, respectively.
  • Sumatera Selatan's import value in May 2023 reached US$94.12 million, up 62.61 percent compared to April 2023, and up 42.00 percent compared to May 2022.
  • Oil and gas imports in May 2023 were valued at US$5.75 million, up 41.83 percent compared to April 2023, and down 15.31 percent compared to May 2022.
  • Non-oil and gas imports in May 2023 were valued at US$88.37 million, up 64.18 percent compared to April 2023, and up 48.54 percent compared to May 2022.
  • The three largest suppliers of imported goods from January to May 2023 are China US$134.63 million (43.49 percent), Singapore US$24.69 million (7.98 percent), and Malaysia US$23.19 million (7.49 percent). . The value of imports from ASEAN in January-May 2023 was US$93.50 million (30.20 percent) and the European Union was US$33.80 million (10.92 percent).
  • Sumatera Selatan's trade balance in May 2023 experienced a surplus of US$486.29 million, originating from the non-oil and gas sector of US$448.36 million, and the oil and gas sector of US$37.93 million.

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